Is ideal for container growing raised beds, perennial gardens, native plants,
vegetables and herbs. It is a mixture of wood mulch, pumice rock, sandy
soil, and dehydrated chicken manure (8-4-4), with materials obtained from
the Southwest U.S.
Is designed to be added and mixed with soil when planting in to the ground
to increase organic matter, aeration, and fertility.
This planting mix can also be used as a top dressing. It is a mixture of
wood mulch, sandy soil, and dehydrated chicken manure (8-4-4), with
materials obtained from the Southwest U.S.
There may be an occasional twig or rock, and the mixes are dry and dusty
until hydrated. We sell our DIRT FIRST in paper bags which can be reused,
recycled, or composted. The ink is plant based.
You can purchase DIRT FIRST mixes at Spadefoot Nursery and Tohono
Chul Park, both in Tucson, AZ.
If you would like to retail our products, please call, email, or text Berni at
520-981-7136, nighthawknatives@gmail.com